Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is at the forefront of innovation around the globe due to the increasing threat of global warming – with the UK promising 20% cuts in CO2 emissions by 2020.
Here at CCS UK LTD we provide the chemicals required to make improvements in various fields within the renewable energy industry including;
- Efficiency optimisation and long term protection of Biomass Boilers
- Protection and maintenance of Ground Source Heat pump systems.
- The longevity assurance and performance improvements of Solar Thermal and PV panels
Biomass Boilers
Biomass boilers use renewable resources to heat buildings, though the technology has come a long way in increasing their efficiency in recent years. Modern automatic pellet stoves operate at an 85-90% efficiency rate; making them a feasible and cost effective alternative to older oil or gas boilers which are still used in many application. This coupled with the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) makes them a more popular choice in applications like agriculture and municipal buildings.
Our chemicals and processes offered will maintain this efficiency through the cleaning of new and old systems and the inhibition of corrosion and scale within a Biomass Boiler. Keeping the boiler running efficiently for longer and yielding better results.
Ground Source Heat Pumps
Ground Source Heat Pumps use thermal energy naturally occurring in the Earth to heat a mixture of water and antifreeze which can be transferred to a heating system through evaporation, compression and condensation at an efficient rate. Producing 2 to 4 units of thermal energy for every 1 unit of electricity.
Our range of biocides, cleaners and heat transfer fluids will allow for optimal efficiency within the system, removing harmful bacteria which will inevitably reduce the longevity of investment in this technology.
Solar Energy
Solar hot water systems (also known as Solar Thermal) harness heat from sunlight by capturing energy which is radiated by the sun within solar panels or collectors. These systems should be filled with a thermal transfer fluid that contains reversibly vaporisable corrosion inhibitor.
Solar PV systems convert light energy into electricity using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. Anything that blocks the light transmission to solar PV (or thermal) panels has the potential to lower the performance.
A layer of ‘dirt’ on the panel will block the light transmission. This adversely effects the amount of electricity generated and the financial return from the solar panel .How great the effect and the frequency of cleaning will vary according to the local environment
In some reported cases fouling of the solar panel with ‘dirt’ has resulted in reductions of 30% in efficiency